The Magic Illustrations of Volkan Baǵa


The Magic Illustrations of Volkan Baǵa

The information here is taken from the Scryfall bulk data feeds. I'll aim to update this page after each new set release; if I don't, give me a nudge! (contact details: I'm mrraow most places, including gmail)
This page was last generated at 04/05/2024, 19:19


Secret Lairs6 cards
Illustrations225 cards
21% artifacts, 5% lands, 10% legendaries
Cards by year
Cards by type and colour
Mean Card Rank9951
Mean Card Value2.259,91 €
Earliest illustration 2006-07-21
Latest illustration 2024-04-19
Best ranked card 2016-09-30
mps#24 Rank 1
Most expensive card 2016-09-30
mps#24 €632.94

Commander Decks

These decks have (almost) everything you need; basic land, cards, and a suitable commander, all illustrated by the same artist.

There are enough lands and cards in a subset of the commander's colours to make a viable deck, but you may not be able to cast the commander or use their activated abilities.
No commander
There are enough lands and cards in a colour combination to make a viable deck, but no suitable commander.
Missing basics
The artist has not illustrated enough basic lands or other mana sources to meet the requirements for this deck. If you add other basic lands, you'll have a viable deck.
Dodgy manabase
The artist has not illustrated enough basic lands to meet the requirements for this deck, but there are other mana sources which do cover the requirements.
Low Card Count
Quantity of non-land cards is too low; but with a strong enough commander, this may not matter!
Pauper EDH
Pauper EDH - uncommon creature at the helm, the rest have been printed at common at least once.
pre EDH
pre EDH - only allows cards printed before the first official Commander product.
Artist Commander Colours #Cards Median EDHRank Est. Cost (€) Notes
Volkan BaǵaSisay, Weatherlight Captain updatedSelesnya10029322162-2322Figurehead
Edric, Spymaster of Trest updatedSimic8435272147-2256Dodgy manabase
Edgar, Charmed Groom // Edgar Markov's Coffin updatedWhite7242062103-2239Figurehead
Edgar, Charmed Groom // Edgar Markov's Coffin updatedWhite7242062104-2239Figurehead
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir updatedBlue6442402108-2204Missing basics
Edgar Markov updatedWhite7243612120-2342Figurehead
Vona, Butcher of Magan updatedWhite7246842106-2250Figurehead
Karlov of the Ghost Council updatedWhite7247712108-2465Figurehead
Tuktuk the Explorer updatedRed5269572068-2148Missing basics
Muzzio, Visionary Architect updatedBlue6471922108-2204Missing basics
Torsten, Founder of Benalia updatedSelesnya9477792147-2303
Tymaret, the Murder King updatedRakdos8386672083-2177Missing basics
Kaust, Eyes of the Glade updatedSelesnya94100512149-2306Figurehead